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Born in Lausanne in 1991, Céline Dondénaz graduated from ECAL/University of Art and Design of Lausanne With a specialization in Visual Communication and a major in Filmmaking. She has been drawing since childhood, nurturing a love for storytelling that evolved into a passion for filmmaking. Her graduation short film, "On casse le ciel on prend un bout," earned the 3rd prize in the school film category at the 42nd Schweizer Jugendfilmtage and was screened at various international festivals. She explores themes of internal conflicts emerging in childhood and adolescence, as well as political issues that stir rebellious feelings within her. Currently, She is the recipient of a residency grant at the Cultural Quarter of Malévoz, taking place in April-May 2024, where she is working on the development of her first feature film, selected in October 2023 at the International Audiovisual Market in Rome.

Grants and residencies

Screenwriting workshop with Catherine Corsini and Antoine Jaccoud, Château de Lavigny. april 2022


Script Savages, la roche jaune, bretagne, 2023


quartier culturel de malevoz, 2024




Pathé Les Galeries, Lausanne, March - April, 2018


Indonésie 2012

Pathé Les Galeries, Lausanne, August, 2018


Danseurs de l'obscurité

La Maison du Caviste, Ollon,  February - March, 2020​

Swissphotographers (online exhibition), August - September, 2020

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